Greeting friends! I have been reluctant to post a blog about my trip, because in my mind it means that you think others are interested in what you have to say. This to me seems like dangerous ground. But I'm doing it anyway! As I have told almost everbody, I have set in motion the plan to hike the Mountain to Sea Trail from one end of North Carolina to the other. I love to hike and walk, and this has plenty of that. Plus I know little about the Eastern part of this state, and this we be a great way to learn more. The first 80 miles is walking almost exclusivly on the beach on the Outer Banks. My plan is to hike in two week segments. Segment one in to start March 1st at Jockeys Ridge State Park on the Outer Banks. During this two weeks I plan to hike @170 miles, and end up in New Bern where my wife Marie will pick me up. I hope to do another section in the fall. At this rate it will take a few years to do the entire 1000 miles, but that's OK.
I'm looking forward to the time on the road and in the woods, and 14 nights sleeping on the ground in my little tent. Plus two weeks with no cell phones, emails, etc. I am ready for an escape from the modern word. Plus a chance to push and test myself. I did two 6 week hikes as a teenager, and I'll not let being over 40 keep me from doing the things I love. That's why God invented Advil! I'll post a couple of photos for now, and maybe another update before I leave. My little digital camera has a voice recorder, and I'll use it to keep an electronic journal. With limited access to the internet, I'll most likely post the entire first part in one big blog at the end. Thanks for all your help and support. Marie refers to this trip as my 'Spiritual Journey'. She may be right......
Ive done some backcountry work with this character in the past. Clearly unbalanced, his obsession for Dr. Bronners and the Svea 123 are disturbing. With that said, the kids got heart and I wish him all the luck in the world.
Good luck! You have one heck of a stretch of land to travel through. If you would like, I'll send you my corrections to Allen Dehart's guidebook (places closed, places open)
Harry. I'm an MST volunteer making maps and putting them on the web site at
Keep checking back as new sections are added all the time.
I enjoyed reading about your first leg of the journey. Looking forward to many more. Enjoyed the pictures. It looks to be a great way to get away from the car business for a while. Best of luck in reacing your goal.
Harry, I finally got a chance to read it all (baby is asleep) and ( am so impressed with your fortitude! I'm sure the rainy days really sucked - can't even imagine. Kudos to you for sticking it out & continuing with the MST. Also, I went back & read your other posts & was so sad to hear Buns had passes! How sad : ( After surviving the hawk & all!
This is Harry's older brother Ben. Let me start by saying that Harry was prone to dramatics as a child. I want everyone to know that it a real possibility that he is MAKING ALL OF THIS UP. He could have gotten the blisters at the mall, or going to the refrigerator. I just don't know.
Your family sounds like an absolute HOOT. No wonder you have such a unique outlook. Your blog will become my new guilty pleasure, so if my husband expresses concern to anyone about why I'm sneaking off to the computer at odd hours or laughing randomly about heaven-knows-what, just smile and act like you haven't noticed :) By the way-my boss came in earlier just as I was checking out some of the photos. Just another day at work !!
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