Saturday, February 7, 2009


WHY do I still have this jones to walk? I'm 47 yrs old, and started this when my dad sprung a 6 week hike on the AT with the YMCA on me when I was 14. Shouldn't I have outgrown this? My strongest desire this very minute is to be sleeping on the ground.

My only regret is that I didn't do more of this while younger. That's OK. Regrets are for suckers.

Today was the annual meeting of the Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail. I was overwhelmed with the work and dedication of the many people involved in this project. Some for decades. It has rekindled my desire to hump some more miles. So what if my hips hurt? I just went out and walked in my neighbourhood for an hour. 3/4 moon, clear sky. My feet touching the ground felt as though they are rooted in the Universe that is infinite above my head. Awesome, and I was still close to home.
I think it's called following one's passion.

Message received!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This sounds better than Mount Ranier. I can deal with the rain so much better than snow and freezing conditions. I also know a great pilot that can fly us in provisions. You know important stuff like gin and tonics.